Umbili-Cath™ Umbilical Vascular Access Catheters

Umbili-Cath™ Umbilical Vascular Access Catheters

Umbili-Cath™ is an umbilical vessel catheter (UVC) specially designed for ease of insertion, patient safety, and comfort during neonatal vascular access.

Utah Medical's Gesco™ Umbili-Cath™ single, dual and triple lumen umbilical vein/artery catheters (UVC) allow continuous pressure monitoring while administering medications, volume expanders and antibiotics. Preferred by more clinicians, Gesco™ umbilical vascular access catheters are specially designed for ease of insertion, patient safety and comfort.

All Umbili-Cath™ feature:

  • Soft rounded tips to reduce perforation risks during placement.
  • Soft rounded end holes to facilitate better fluid clearing.
  • Full numbered depth markings from 1 cm to hub for more accurate placement.
  • "Zero dead space" Luer locking hub.
  • Barium sulfate-loaded catheter provides radiopacity.
  • Available in silicone or Tecoflex® polyurethane.



Outstanding Clinical Features
1. Ultimate biocompatible material - no plasticizers.
2. Resilient soft and unlike all other materials. Non-irritating to vessel walls to avoid phlebitis.
3. Non-reactive to body tissues and body fluids, providing long-term product stability.
4. Does not support bacterial growth.
5. Non-thrombogenic - resists encrustation.
6. Does not adhere to tissues - allows easy removal and avoids necrosis of injured cells.


Outstanding Clinical Features
1. Made with Tecoflex® an advanced formulation of polyurethane.
2. Thermosensitive - softens at body temperature such that physical characteristics emulate silicone after placement.
3. Slightly stiffer than silicone - easier to insert.
4. Allows crisp arterial waveform.
5. Higher tensile strength and less catheter elongation to provide more resistance to breaking if catheter is nicked.
6. Supports triple-lumen patency in a small diameter catheter.


Utah Medical's general procedure trays contain all instruments and materials for umbilical vessel catheterization. The components are packaged in a double-decked tray, with drapes, towels, suture, umbilical tape, and skin prep materials in the top level; syringes and instruments are organized in the bottom. The fenestrated drape is fitted with double-backed tape to keep it secure on the patient. The drape is also "slit" from the fenestration to the edge of the drape so that it can be easily removed. The high-quality disposable instruments included in the kits are made of stainless steel. A disposable tray eliminates the risks associated with cross-contamination, and ensures that all instruments are sharp and accurately aligned.

General Procedure Tray 


— 1 Adson Forceps, Fine Point
— 1 Iris Forceps, 4" Half Curve
— 1 Micro Forceps,Half Curve Fine Point
— 1 Needle Holder, 5"
— 1 Safety Scalpel, #11 Blade
— 2 Hemostats, Straight Mosquito
— 2 Hemostats, Curved Mosquito
— 1 Sharp/Blunt Scissors
— 1 3-Way Stopcock
— 1 Syringe, 1cc
— 1 Syringe, 6cc
— 2 Syringes, 3cc
— 1 Syringe Cap
— 1 Measuring Tape
— 1 Dilator
— 1 Needle, 18 Gauge
— 1 Needle, 25 Gauge
— 1 CSR Wrap 30" X 30"
— 2 24" X 24" Poly-lined Drapes
— 1 Fenestrated Drape with Tape
— 1 Umbilical Tie, 15"
— 6 Gauze Pads, 4" X 4"
— 6 Gauze Pads, 2" X 2"
— 1 Suture, 4-0 Silk
— 3 PointLok needle retention devices
— Configurations with (i.e., 4070007) and without (i.e., 4070009) iodophor swabstick 3-pack are available.

Umbili-Cath™ Silicone UVC Catheters

Model Number Description Unit of Measure Image
4173505 Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Single Lumen Silicone UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 21 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Single Lumen Silicone Umbilical Catheter. Model 4173505
4175005 Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Single Lumen Silicone UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 18 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Single Lumen Silicone Umbilical Catheter. Model 4175005
4178005 Umbili-Cath™ 8.0 French Single Lumen Silicone UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 15 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 8.0 French Single Lumen Silicone Umbilical Catheter. Model 4178005
4273505 Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Dual Lumen Silicone UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 20/23 gauge. * 5/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Dual Lumen Silicone Umbilical Catheter. Model 4273505
4275005 Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Dual Lumen Silicone UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 19/19 gauge. * 5/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Dual Lumen Silicone Umbilical Catheter. Model 4275005
* Product is CE Marked

Umbili-Cath™ Polyurethane UVC Catheters

Model Number Description Unit of Measure Image
4182805 Umbili-Cath™ 2.8 French Single Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 22 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 2.8 French Single Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4182805
4183505 Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Single Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 21 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Single Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4183505
4185005 Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Single Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 18 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Single Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4185005
4186505 Umbili-Cath™ 6.5 French Single Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 15 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 6.5 French Single Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4186505
4282805 Umbili-Cath™ 2.8 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 22/25 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 2.8 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4282805
4283505 Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 20/23 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 3.5 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4283505
4285005 Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 19/19 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Dual Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4285005
4385005 Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Triple Lumen Polyurethane UVC Catheter, marked to 34 cm, 18/20/20 gauge. * 10/BOX Umbili-Cath™ 5.0 French Triple Lumen Polyurethane Umbilical Catheter. Model 4385005
* Product is CE Marked


Model Number Description Unit of Measure Image
400-351 3-Way Luer Lock Stopcock (Blue Tint), Sterile. * 50/BOX 3-Way Luer Lock Stopcock. Model 400-351
* Product is CE Marked

General Procedure Catheterization Tray and Accessories

Model Number Description Unit of Measure Image
4070007 General Full Procedure Catheterization Tray with Micro Forceps. 10/BOX General Full Procedure Catheterization Tray with Micro Forceps. Model 4070007
4070017 Micro Forceps, Half Curved. 30/BOX Micro Forceps, Half Curved. Model 4070017
4070027 Micro Forceps, Full Curved. 30/BOX Micro Forceps, Full Curved. Model 4070027

For more information, please contact us by EMAIL or call 1-800-533-4984 | 1-801-566-1200.